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Victoria Road Surgery

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Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care System
We are proud to be a Safe Surgery
Veteran Friendly Practice
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Welcome to Victoria Road Surgery

We are a secure and well established GP surgery, committed to providing high quality general medical care and enhanced services to our practice population.

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NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are free from landlines and mobile phones.

In case of a life-threatening emergency, please dial 999.

Latest News

Global IT issue affecting GP practices and pharmacies nationally

We are aware of a global IT issue which is affecting some primary care services in our region. It may […]

POD (Pescription Ordering Direc) Closing June 2024

Medication Ordering at Victoria Road Surgery

As you are aware from local media the POD (Prescription Ordering Department) will be closing at the end of June. […]

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