



  • Request will be passed to GP / Duty Dr for consideration
  • If request is deemed urgent ā€“ prescription will be available to collect at nominated pharmacy from 5pm the same day.
  • If request is not deemed urgent for same day ā€“ prescription will be available to collect at nominated pharmacy 24 hrs after
    request received.
  • Check with pharmacy before attending to collect medication.


  • Letter will be passed to GP.
  • Prescription is always deemed routine as stated on the hospital form / letter from outside agency.
  • Prescription will be available to collect at your nominated pharmacy 5 working days after request received, unless you have
    been contacted and informed otherwise.


  • Prescription organised and passed to GP for signing.
  • Prescription will be at nominated pharmacy 3 working days after request received at surgery.

Non-urgent advice: Please note

Repeat medication will normally be available for collection 3 working days after the request has been received at the surgery.

Acute medication (anything not on repeat) requests can take longer.

Ordering Medication

The best way is by going online and using the NHSapp or SystmOnline. Both of these services can be accessed via your home computer or tablet as well. For the NHSapp you just need to download this to your smartphone or go on your computer to and there are instructions on how to register for this service via your computer. NHSapp will verify your identity by your passport or driving licence (government based information) and then you are able to order your medication.

If you choose to use the SystmOnline – this is the online service connected with our medical system provider. You can apply for this on our website or via this link – attaching your ID at the same time Alternatively please could we request that you pop to the surgery to complete a form and show 2 forms of ID – the ID should be 1 photo ID and 1 letter with your address on. The reception team will take in your form and take note of your ID and this will take 2 working days to sort. You will be sent an email with you login details, so you do not need to return to the surgery.

Some people do not have computers and smartphones and the surgery is very aware of this – should you have a family member or very trusted friend / neighbour who assists you and they have online services, then they could always become a Proxy for you to order your medication. A form is available at the surgery and needs to be signed by the patient and the patient’s representative. ID will need to be taken from the representative (same ID as above please) and when this form is received by the surgery it will take 2 working days to process.

If you do not have online services and have no way of getting these then you are able to order your medication by the old method of your prescription request slip – this can be placed in our letter box outside (when you are passing anytime) or in surgery hours there is a box outside the administration window. The last pickup of the day for these requests is 3pm and you do need to allow 3 working days for the request to be processed. The surgery are also allowing you to post your repeat slips to the surgery, but please allow at least 7 working days for your medication to be at your nominated pharmacy for collection – this allows the postal service to get your prescription request to the surgery

Ordering ADHD Medication

When you order ADHD medication the surgery are now going to be printing the prescription for you to collect from the surgery. This is to allow you to source the medication at the local pharmacies, should you normal pharmacy not stock the item you need. The surgery can no longer source this medication for you.

With this being said, a list of local pharmacies is provided, so you can check with them if they have stock of your medication.

Online Services

Please ensure when using the SystmOnline or NHS App to order your medication you will need to have 3 days worth of medication left.   On the NHS app please note that medication that is not on repeat can not be ordered. Should you need medication urgently and it is not on repeat, you will need to come to the surgery and request this via the administration team.

Prescriptions from Hospital / Outside Agencies

If you have seen a hospital specialist/outside agency and they have recommended a course of treatment, this will not be actioned until your doctor has received a letter from the specialist and the prescription will be available at your nominated pharmacy within 5 working days.

If the specialist deems that you need to start a medication immediately, the specialist will make the GP aware of this and when the prescription is ready the surgery will let you know.

Electronic Prescription Service

This is a service that allows your clinician to send a prescription directly to a pharmacy you have nominated for collection. This is a free service for patients.

If you are have not nominated a pharmacy yet, please speak to your chosen Pharmacy so they can add this nomination on their system and this will relay to our Administration Team and update your medical record.