Changes to Partnership at the Surgery

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We are pleased to announce that Dr Kanu Ibenne (Male) will be joining the surgery as a part time GP Partner from 1st September.

Dr Ibenne will be taking over the care of patients previously looked after by Dr Akinbinu and will also assume responsibility for some patients currently registered with Dr Yates.

As a result of Dr Ibenne joining the surgery, Dr Yates has decided that he is going to take the opportunity to cut down his working hours and will in future be working as a part time GP. It is therefore necessary to reduce his current patient list size to ensure that Dr Yates remains available to his remaining patients.

Generally Dr Ibenne will be working on Wednesday to Friday. Dr Yates working days will usually be Monday, Thursday and Friday.

All patients affected by these changes should receive notification of their new GP arrangements over the course of the next few days.